Jesse J. Jacoby

"While it is easy to see that this book will become one of a short list of 'must have' books for the practicing raw plant-based individual, I suspect that Mr. Jacoby will consider that impact to be a failure as he is really reaching out to those who need to change their diets and the diets of their loved ones before its too late. If youâre currently eating a raw, plant-based diet consider your responsibility as a conscious being to gift this book to someone who has not yet seen the light of truth. It is rare that we get put in the position to save someoneâs life, but with this book you now have that chance. The world needs the messages Mr. Jacoby is sharing here. As he points out, we are now in an age where being healthy is 'cool,' the problem is that many of us do not know how to be healthy. Diet soda, meat, milk and eggs are not part of the program. I applaud Mr. Jacoby for helping us to understand that there is a difference between surviving and thriving. Please join Jesse and become a winner!" -- Book Reviewed by Scott N. Peterson, Ph.D. Professor, Sanford Burnham Medical Research Institute Inflammatory and Infectious Disease Center
The Raw Cure was reviewed by Scott Peterson from Plant Powered Living. To read the full review, click here. To access Jesse's Interview with Plant Powered Living, click here.
"If you want to become an expert on nutrition, or expand your current nutritional expertise, this book should be front and center on your bookshelf, right next to The China Study, and books by our other favorite doctors." -- VEGAN HEALTH & FITNESS, SPRING/SUMMER 2013